Pop Up Penguins

Bringing art to the city

What we did

  • Naming
  • Brand Identity
  • Illustration
  • Design

Finalist – NZEA Best Event Creative 2021. Pop Up Penguins – a large-scale and reimagined public art event.

In the wake of the wildly successful Christchurch Stands Tall giraffe sculpture trail, Publica worked closely with Wild in Art to deliver this initiative. The project team worked collaboratively to name the Pop Up Penguins event and developed the branding to bring the project to life. Taking an illustrative approach, all creative assets communicated the event’s lively and unique offering.

The Pop Up Penguins event included 50 large penguin sculptures displayed around unique parts of Christchurch city, experienced as an art trail. Behind the scenes, companies and artists teamed together around a sculpture to sponsor and decorate with purpose, highlighting themes such as community, creativity and climate change. After 10 weeks, the street-sized penguins were auctioned off, raising over $1 million for Cholmondoley’s Children’s Centre.

As Creative Partner, Publica amplified Pop Up Penguin’s impact through engaging design. Decorating our very own penguin sculpture, we cherished putting our weight behind the momentum that this event brought to Christchurch city and are honoured to be recognised for excellence in creative concepts by the New Zealand Event Awards (NZEA) in 2021.

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